Friday, January 16, 2009


私はだいがくでパイオテクノロジーを勉強しているともだちがいます。Kさんとよびましょう。Kさんはじゅうきゅうさいで、女の人です。すんでいるまちはBukit Mertajamです。Kさんはかわいくて、おもしろいせいかくです。その上、英語はすごくいいです。スター新聞で記事をかきます。
I have a friend who is studying in biotechnology in my university. Lets call her K-san. K is 19 years old nd she is a girl. She is staying at Bukit Mertajam. She is pretty and interesting in a sense. Besides, her command in English is superb. She writes article for The Star newspaper.

私はなにかの才能ある人がだいすきです。Kさんはバイオリンが上手です。かのじょはバイオリンのせんせいです。Kさん はとても自立して、勇気があります。Kさんのりゅうがくのために、おかあさんはお金をためました。でも、2年前、 SPMのあと、おかねを全部 スーフード レストランの経営に使いました。今は、Kさんのレストランはとても大きくて、3階だてです。ビジネスはとても良いです。
I really adore and admire talented people. K is very good in playing violin. She is a violin sensei who teaches some small kids in her neighbourhood. Besides, she is independent and brave, one of a kind. Her mother saved her a bunch of money for her to study abroad. Yet when she was 17, straight after SPM, she spent all the money in a business. She started a restaurant, a seafood restaurant. Guess what, the restaurant has evolved from a single storey to a 3 storey restaurant. The business of the restaurant is fantastically good.

As for me, straight after SPM, I have an idea to start a restaurant as well with 3 of my best friends. We wanted to start a cafe which operates only at night to cater the needs of the youngsters around our neighbourhood area because a lot of young people do go out at night and it is hard for them to find a great spot to hang-out(at that time). The opportunity was there, sadly to say, we were gutless, only if we were brave enough to seize the opportunity. We were just not daring and mature enough to do so at that moment.

That's the reason why I deeply admire and envy her, envy a girl who is younger than me yet she knows where her life is heading and as for me, I am still floating in the wide, island-less ocean, heading nowhere. K is the only person I truly admire for now.


Anonymous said...

i admire her s well...

JJTan said...

Lol, you will admire he more if you meet her in person. She is quite cute and carry herself well.