Watashi(I) wa mainichi(everyday) kurasu(class) no ato(after) sugoi(very) tsukane(tired) masu.
I am very tired especially after attending the last class everyday.
Watashi(I) wa syawaa(shower) no ato(after) neruno(sleeping) ga sugoi(very) tsuki(like) desu.
I will straight hit to bed for a long longggg nap after finished bathing.
Hai(sigh), watashi(I) wa neru(sleep) no ato(after) okirare(wake up) masen(cannot).
Yet, it's very hard for me to wake up after the nap due to sleep deprived.
Watashi(I) mo(also) kurasu(class) no ato (after) nihon(japanese) no manga(comic) o yomi(read) masu.
I read japanese comics as well after class.
Watashi wa on-rain(online) mo shi(do) masu.
At times, I will surf the internet after class.
Watashi wa himanatoki(leisure) ni Makudonarudo(Mcdonald) no telebi(tv) te Olympics o mi(watch) masu.
If I still have excessive time, I will go to McDonald to watch Olympics games.
Watashi(I) himanatoki(leisure) gaarufurendo(girl friend) deeto(date) mo shi(do) masu.
Of course, I will ask my girl friend out during leisure as well.
Of course, I will ask my girl friend out during leisure as well.
Isogashi(busy) desu ne.
What a busy life I have.